1. Create an online presence for the Learning Centre and develop support mechanisms for our distant students.
2. Develop on-line short courses.
I will address the issues in no.1 first.
- What is Learning Support at a distance? It could be: synchronous tutorials with Elluminate, phone calls, email, voice message boards, text message boards, net meetings, video conferencing, CD Roms, an input into Blackboard courses and a Learning Centre website which is a repository of resources such as web sites, PDF notes, youtube videos...what else could it be?
- What sort of students are they? - In open-entry certificates taught on-line like Certificate in Health or Certificate in Animal Care what proportion are "re-entry" students and Foundation Learners? (i.e., "second- chance" learners with lots of gaps in their knowledge and possibly low literacy and numeracy skills). How digitally literate are they?
- What technology barriers will there be at the student end?
- What is the student's perception of being full-time - What do they think they should be getting for their money? How much access to teachers? How many printed notes and workbooks if any?
- David in his Blog http://massage-online.blogspot.com discusses the appropriateness of on-line delivery for kineasthetic learners and explores this more fully in wikieducator. I am going to try to expand on this and explore the specific needs of Foundation Learners and the minimum basic elements that should be found in the design of on-line or flexibly delivered courses. Do our courses here at Otago Polytechnic measure up? How can we improve them?
- I've created the outline of a Peer tutor training course on wikieducator
- This course will link to other short courses on Skills for Tertiary Learners (Who will be enrolling in these short courses?)
Final comment: I think Otago Polytechnic has about two hundred distant students which are all entitled to the same level of learning support as our on-campus students.
you have made a great start with the peer tutoring course. It looks really good on WikiEducator.
are you happy for others to add stuff which may be relevant e.g. I use an activity around learning styles in the adult educational and training course which would fit really well in the learning styles section.
I wonder if the title "peer tutoring" would appeal to a wider audience? How about "tutoring for fun and profit" or "tutoring others" or "60 ways to be a great tutor" something catchy like that.
Yes Bron I am extremely happy for people to add stuff to the wiki course, especially activities. And yes I may consider a name change, the current one came about by chance really.
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